Our Story
louisiana state university
Dance Marathon at LSU began in 2013 with a small group of students who were passionate about helping the kids at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital. These champion students heard the origin story of Indiana University Dance Marathon and were inspired to carry the cause over to Louisiana. In its first year, DM at LSU raised $105,557.88, breaking the national fundraising record for a first-year program. In the program’s second-year, DM at LSU raised $182,672.45, breaking another national record. This was just the beginning.
Dance Marathon at LSU Teen Room
Since DM at LSU’s beginning in 2013, the organization has been able to fund anything from games and supplies for child life to play mats for children going through therapy.
When the new children’s hospital was proposed, DM at LSU promised a contribution of $1 million to help build the new freestanding hospital you see today, and were able to commission the Dance Marathon at LSU Teen Room, just for teenage patients to feel more comfortable and at ease in their own space.
This is Dance Marathon’s 11th year on LSU’s campus. In the past 10 years, our students have helped raise over $1.8 million for our local children and families impacted by pediatric illness and injury.
Dance Marathon is a nationwide student run organization through Children’s Miracle Network. It was founded in 1991 in honor of Ryan White, a teenager who contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. Just a few months before he was set to attend college in 1990, Ryan lost his battle to AIDS. Some of Ryan’s friends decided to start Dance Marathon in his honor, and they were able to raise $10,900 in their first year. From there, universities across the nation began their own Dance Marathons to raise money for their local children’s hospitals. Today, there are over 400 universities that have their own Dance Marathon and have raised $300 million since the first in 1991.
2021 - 2022

2020 - 2021

2019 - 2020

2018 - 2019

2017 - 2018

2016 - 2017

2015 - 2016

2014 - 2015

2013 - 2014